Bowen Therapy is a technique that works on the connective tissue (fascia) of the body. It is used to treat musculoskeletal or related neurological problems including acute sports injuries and chronic or organic conditions. Headaches, knee and back pain, hip pain, menstrual issues and or stomach and diet related disorders. It is gentle and relaxing and does not use forceful manipulation.
A Bowen treatment consists of sequences of small moves, each at a specific site on the body and can be applied through light clothing. The process is safe to use for anyone including babies to the elderly . It is a holistic treatments that treats the whole person and aims to treat the cause of problems rather that the symptoms. It is recommended that if you are having Bowen Therapy or choosing Bowen, to not have other forms of physical therapy at the same time like massage, chiropractic support, physiotherapy, acupuncture or kinesiology for one week after a treatment while your body adjusts to the Bowen Treatment.
Treatments last between 30 minutes and one hour. $75